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Fish & Bird Emporium

Assorted African Cichlids

Assorted African Cichlids

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There are several types of African cichlids to choose from, including peacock cichlids, red zebra cichlids, bumblebee cichlids, blue cichlids, and kribensis cichlids.

Although African cichlids look beautiful, the fish are aggressive and territorial, and some species of African cichlids aren’t suitable for beginner fishkeepers.

Scientific name: Pseudotropheus sp.
Common names: African cichlid
Distribution: East Africa
Size: 2–12 inches
Life expectancy: 6–10 years
Color: Various colors including blue, yellow, pink, green, red, and purple, with spots or stripes
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Minimum tank size: 30 gallons
Temperature: 75–85°F (24–29°C)
pH: 7.8–8.6
Hardness: 12–30 dGH
Care level: Moderate
Breeding: Egg layer or mouthbrooder, depending on the type of African cichlid

African cichlids are a category of cichlids that inhabit three African lakes: Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria.

These natural habitats have warm, clear waters, sandy substrates, lots of vegetation, and a high density of freshwater fish. Most African cichlids live in the shallows of their habitats, where they scavenge for food in the sand.

African cichlids exhibit territorial behaviors like chasing and nipping, especially when housed in a crowded tank. African cichlids are active and require plenty of swimming space, as well as lots of cavities and hiding places to claim as their territories.

As diurnal fish, African cichlids are more active in the day than the night and swim quickly around the bottom and mid-sections of the tank. African cichlids are a busy species, spending their waking hours scavenging the substrate for food.

Habitat:African cichlids require a tank of at least 30 gallons and an extra five gallons of water per additional fish. Small African cichlids that are two or three inches long require a minimum tank size of 20 gallons. When buying baby African cichlids, remember that the fish will grow to double or triple their original size, and the tank should accommodate a fully-grown cichlid.

Feeding: Feed all African cichlids high quality fish flakes, which give the fish several important nutrients that support the fish’s health. Supplement this diet with algae wafers, small feeder fish, insects, raw green vegetables, and bloodworms, depending on the African cichlid species.

Buy food that sinks to the bottom of the tank, because African cichlids enjoy sifting through the substrate for their food. Feed African cichlids three or four times per day, providing enough food at each feeding for them to eat within two minutes.

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