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MSR Imporium

Dwarf YOYO loaches

Dwarf YOYO loaches

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Yoyo Loach is a popular freshwater fish and you can easily see many people owning it in their aquariums. No matter how many species of fish you already have in your tank, Yoyo Loaches will easily become the standout star in your tank. While other loach breeds are known for their shy personalities, yoyo loach is energetic and lively with distinct personalities, making them a great addition to your large community tanks. This fish is generally peaceful but is known to fight with members of their own species. They do well with other fish that are peaceful and can even stand their own with more aggressive fish. Their temperament makes them a perfect addition to many tanks. They are both active and interesting to look at.

Even though they are hardy fish, they still need stable water conditions. The following water parameters should be maintained:

  • Temperature: 75.0-86.0°F
  • pH Range: 6.5-7.5
  • Hardness Range: 3-10 dGH

Keeping these conditions constant is important to keep these fish happy and healthy.
They prefer large gravel or small rocks for substrate as it is easy for them to search for food. As they prefer slower moving water you can use either an under-gravel filter or canister filter. This will oxygenate the water and help to keep the tank clean. Plants work very well with these fish as it gives them lots of natural cover. They are constantly searching and exploring so giving them plenty of crevices and roots to move through is a good thing. One thing to note is that these fish can jump from the tank. It is important that you have a solid fitting lid on your talk.

Yoyo Loaches need at least a 40 gallon tank. When they are young these fish will be fine in a 20 gallon aquarium, but as they get bigger, they will need more space. 

Their diets includes brine shrimp, daphnia, and some vegetable foods such as algae wafers to keep their diets varied. Using artificial flakes or pellets works just fine for most of the time but adding these into their diet every few days makes sure things don’t get boring and they have the correct nutrients.

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