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Kong - EZ Clear Cone Collar

Kong - EZ Clear Cone Collar

Regular price 16.99
Regular price Sale price 16.99
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EZ Clear Collars are a safe and humane method of preventing animals fromaggravating a healing wound or injury, and now they just got easier toput on with the addition of Velcro strips. Each EZ-clear collar comesequipped with 3 Velcro strips (4 for XXL) to easily adjust the collar tothe correct size for your pet. Available in 5 sizes.


EZ Soft E-Collar is great for both cats and small dogs. Unique collardrawstring enables the owner to tighten or loosen, as necessary. Thesoft, flexible fabric makes it less likely for a pet to get stuckbetween fence posts or under furniture. Plus, there’s no annoying“clunking” sound common with other protective collars. EZ Soft collarsare great for injuries, rashes and post surgery.

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