Odessa Barb
Odessa Barb
Synonyms: Puntius padamya
Distribution: Myanmar
Maximum Size: 7cm (2.76")
Temperature: 15-25°C
Water Parameters: Soft and slightly acidic is best long-term. pH: <7.5, dH: up to 12 degrees.
Compatibility: Community with no long-finned fish
Lighting: No special requirements
Sexual Dimorphism: Mature males develop a spectacular neon red horizontal band along the flanks.
Feeding: Flake, granules, pellets, algae wafers and frozen foods
The Odessa Barb was once thought to be a hybrid of two barb species, but it recently came to light that this fish has a natural distribution area in a remote area of Myanmar. It is likely that the tank-raised fish we see today originated from this area. Odessa Barbs are, on the whole, a relatively peaceful species (although they should not be trusted with any long-finned fish that are slow-moving) and must be maintained in groups of at least 6 specimens due to their shoaling nature. This is one of many species that never usually looks at its best in dealer's stock tanks, but once settled into a planted aquarium, the wonderful eye-catching colouration of this active species will become very apparent. This species appreciates slightly cooler than average temperatures.
Eagerly accepts most aquarium fare offered: flake, green flake, micropellets, small frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, daphnia etc. Will nibble at algae growing on plant leaves.